Hello, Friends!
​Looking for a church home can be a long and difficult process. We would like to encourage you in your search and challenge you to focus on the things that truly matter. Does the preacher preach the Word, not just tell stories about himself? Do the songs cause you to esteem God more highly and worship Him more powerfully? Do they read scripture out loud (more than a verse)? Do the prayers demonstrate repentance, humility, praise, and petition? Please remember, lots of other things fall well below these essentials. We pray that God will lead you as you pray AND think about these things.
Join Us This Weekend!
125 Lind Drive
If this is your first time learning about Christ Fellowship, then we would like to extend an extra Welcome to you! There may be questions going through your head about who we are, how we worship, and/or what ministries we offer. We encourage you to use this page designed to help first time guest, like you, to answer those questions and learn how you can be apart of Christ Fellowship!
Sunday School
9:45 AM
Sunday Worship
10:45 AM
6:00 PM
Looking for a Good Church?
​Looking for a church home can be a long and difficult process. We would like to encourage you in your search and challenge you to focus on the things that truly matter. Does the preacher preach the Word, not just tell stories about himself? Do the songs cause you to esteem God more highly and worship Him more powerfully? Do they read scripture out loud (more than a verse)? Do the prayers demonstrate repentance, humility, praise, and petition? Please remember, lots of other things fall well below these essentials. We pray that God will lead you as you pray AND think about these things. To shorten your search, call the pastor of the church before you visit and ask the following questions (in the link below). This might save you a LOT of Sundays.