What to Expect

on a Sunday Morning

Are you in the process of finding a new church home?

If this is your first time learning about Christ Fellowship, then we would like to extend an extra Welcome to you! There may be questions going through your head about who we are, how we worship, and/or what ministries we offer. We encourage you to use this page designed to help first time guest, like you, to answer those questions and learn how you can be apart of Christ Fellowship!

To give you a little introduction of who wear are, we are a congregation of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are located in Edinburgh, Indiana, just south of Indianapolis. The members of our church seek to honor God and the Lord Jesus Christ through preaching the Bible, worshiping together, using our spiritual gifts, and encouraging one another to live in obedience to God. Most importantly, we desire to proclaim the good news about Jesus Christ to all those who do not know Him throughout our community and around the world. The purpose of this church is to glorify the God of the Scriptures in promoting His worship, edifying His saints, and evangelizing sinners. We are committed to proclaiming the whole counsel of God especially His glorious Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ.

Before joining us you may have questions

We come together as a church family for Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and Morning Worship at 10:45 a.m. During Sunday School, we offer classes for both students and adults. If you would like to learn more about the ministry classes we offer, click the link below to check out our ministry page. To give you an understanding on what you should expect, we have answered a few questions and topics below.

When should I arrive?

It’s a good idea to arrive at least 15-20 minutes early in order to have plenty of time to park, get kids checked in, and connect with others. The chapel doors open at 10:30 a.m. and morning worship begins at 10:45 a.m. Feel welcome to take any seat that is available. No one will be upset because you have taken "their seat". Our regulars will gladly give you their seat if necessary. ​Someone will greet you at the door and help you get settled in if you need it. Otherwise, you will not be badgered. We are happy to see you and we want you to know that. But, we also want to give you space to hear and observe what is going on without being hounded. We try to strike a balance of friendliness and hospitality without embarrassing anyone or calling attention to newcomers in an off-putting way. We appreciate the fact that you have joined us as our guest. ​



As a church family we enjoy the deep bonds of love and friendship that we share with one another in Jesus Christ. There is opportunity each time we gather in Jesus’ name to greet one another in Christian love. You can expect to be noticed. Expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?” Expect for people to reach out to you in love–without being overbearing. That is our goal.

What should I wear?

That’s a great question and it means that you have given thought to your first visit. Our corporate worship is not about a dress code and it’s definitely not about wearing fine clothes in order to fit in. The emphasis really isn’t upon what you’re wearing, however, our clothes shouldn’t distract others from spiritual things. In other words, modesty is always appropriate and God-honoring. ​​


Our services begin with prayer. The members of our church are expected to prepare their hearts in prayer before the service. Even so, we begin by praying to our God whenever we come together. During this time we speak to God in thanksgiving, invitation, and petition. We thank Him for who He is and what He has done through our Lord Jesus Christ. We trust Him to be present in our service of worship to Him. And, we ask Him to change us into the image of our Lord, meet our temporal needs, and keep us faithful to Him. By beginning in this way, we acknowledge our utter dependence upon God. ​


Music is a powerful tool—for good or for evil. We understand this and therefore we are cautious not to use music to manipulate the emotions. Because we view the gathering of God’s people for worship to be sacred, we would not consider all music appropriate for the corporate gathering of God’s people. Any music (hymns, choruses, special selections) should be bibically and theologically accurate. Music should cause us to be lifted up in worship to God—not cause us to be concentrated on ourselves and what we are feeling. Music should affect our emotions, but only by amplifying the power of the words which we are singing. We pray that our music and singing be tasteful, dignified, respectful, sacred, exciting, God-honoring, biblical, and from the heart. Our time of worship is not a concert—nor a show. We have very little “special” music. Instead, the voices of the congregation are joined in WORSHIP. When the gathered people of God sing true words of worship to him from the heart—He is present among us. That’s what our Lord promised—and we trust Him to keep His word.

Music Ministry

Scripture Reading

Each Lord’s Day, a passage of Old and New Testament scripture is read followed by prayer. If we believe that the Bible is powerful, like a lion—then why would we want to keep it in its cage? We worship over the Word by reading it aloud in the congregation every time we are together."The Word of God is like a lion. You don’t have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself." – Charles Spurgeon

Expository Preaching

Perhaps you have never heard the term “expository” before. “Expository” simply means to explain or describe something. Many thoughts may come to your mind when you think of preaching, but, the ultimate goal of preaching should always be to understand what God has revealed in the Bible. Gospel preaching should focus on and derive its message from scripture. For this reason, our church commits to preaching that begins and ends in a biblical text. In order to better explain the true meaning of scripture, we preach through entire books of the bible, verse-by-verse and section-by-section. This approach forces us to deal with the whole Bible—not just our favorite or cherished verses and topics. We worship God by actively hearing the word of God proclaimed and explained. It is during this time of the service that God speaks to us. We do not expect nor accept extra-biblical, “mystical” messages from God. We do expect that the Holy Spirit will speak to us through the written scriptures. God is most glorified among his people when we are satisfied with what He has chosen to reveal to us in the Bible and when we are changed by its message. ​


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Find us @cfcedinburgh and follow us for updates, encouragement, and fun!

Have Questions?
We would love to opportunity to answer any questions that you may have!
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