Kingdom Kids


Coordinator: Sister Brooke Ramirez
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Rotation Schedule

April 2019

7thBrooke RamirezSusan SmeltzerBrianna/Elijah
14thMichelle CoffeyMayaLani/Cindy
21stKim BiekerBrooke & MissyMac/Issac
28thWilma DillinghamBecky WilhelmWalker/Preston

May 2019

5thTracy SlinkardDonna KeslerAnnabelle & Ellie/Sam
12thBrittany SiegelinNiccol EnglishCindy/Isaac
19thBrooke RamirezMayaBrianna/Reagan
26thMichelle CoffeySusan SmeltzerLani/Elijah

June 2019

2ndWilma DillinghamBrooke & MissyPreston/Isaac
9thKim BiekerBecky WilhelmMac/Walker
16thTracy SlinkardDonna KesslerAnnabelle & Ellie / Reagan
23rdBrittany SiegelinNiccol EnglishSam/Cindy
30thBrooke RamirezMayaBrianna/Elijah

July 2019

2ndMichelle CoffeySusan SmeltzerLani/Sam
9thKim BiekerMissy LuttrellMac/Issac
16thWilma DillinghamBecky WilhelmCindy/Walker
23rdTracy SlinkardDonna KesslerElijah/Reagan
30thBrittany SiegelinNiccol EnglishSam/Isaac

Have Questions?
We would love to opportunity to answer any questions that you may have!
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