Joshua 4:1-16 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 1, Day 4

Georges   -  

When you first read Joshua 4:14, you might reflexively read it a second time: God exalted Joshua? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? The Creator doesn’t exalt His creation; creation is to exalt its Creator. The key to understanding this verse is to look ahead to Joshua 4:24. God exalted Joshua, as He had Moses, for a reason—so that He in turn would be exalted even more.

What the Israelites would see Joshua do was not intended to stop there; it was to be a conduit pointing people to the One who was truly at work: God. Do we see ourselves as Joshuas? Do we understand that God has positioned us where He has, and how He has, for a reason—to glorify God? Or are we tempted to steal God’s glory instead, to take how He has gifted and blessed us and hoard it for ourselves? May we hold loosely to our glory and tightly to God’s.


How can you point others to God this week through how He has blessed and gifted you?