Daily Study Judges 3:1-31 Sometimes when we are in the midst of a trial, we pray for God to show us what we need to do to make it stop. What will bring the struggle...
Daily Study Judges 2:16-23 There are words in Scripture that soothe and comfort us: “The Lord is my shepherd” (Ps. 23:1); “I am with you always” (Matt....
Daily Study Judges 2:14, 15 It’s captivating to watch a small fire burn. Whether at a campfire or a backyard hotdog roast, many of us enjoy sitting around watching...
Daily Study Judges 2:1-13 God knew the Israelites well; they were part of His creation and He had made them His people. He had delivered them from slavery and...
Daily Study Judges 1:1-36 The Book of Judges starts out strong. Joshua had died, but the tribes were to continue the work of driving out their enemies. The Lord sent...
Daily Study Mat 28:16-20 Take a step back and consider the narrative Matthew covers in the final chapter of his Gospel. In just twenty verses, with five of those...
Daily Study Mat 28:11-15 These verses provide the origin of the stolen body theory, one of a handful of theories offered to explain away the resurrection of Jesus....
Daily Study Mat 28:9, 10 The women didn’t seem to get very far in their mission to tell the other disciples about the resurrected Jesus. They departed quickly...
Daily Study Mat 28:7,8 Twice in these two verses we read the word “quickly.” The angel instructed the women to go quickly and then they departed quickly. The...