Daily Study Judges 2:1-13
God knew the Israelites well; they were part of His creation and He had made them His people. He had delivered them from slavery and returned them to the land He had first given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He had guided them in the conquest of that land, going before them in battle as a warrior, and He had given them the victory. Over and over again, God had made a very direct connection between Israel’s obedience and victory over their enemies.
So it should have been no surprise that when the Israelites failed to do what He had called them to do—when they disobeyed—God did what He said He would do—His presence and power were removed and Israel was defeated by their enemies. The faithfulness of God extends not only to His love and mercy but also to the consequences of sin. The God who is so faithful to provide is just as faithful to discipline. Israel should have known this, and we should too.
How have you experienced God’s faithfulness in disciplining you for your disobedience?