Daily Study Judges 2:16-23
There are words in Scripture that soothe and comfort us: “The Lord is my shepherd” (Ps. 23:1); “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20); “You will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:29). Then there are words in Scripture that provoke and unsettle us. Judges 2:17 tells us that God’s chosen people “did not listen to their judges.” The reason these words should disturb us and drive us to reflection is because they follow this statement: “The Lord raised up judges” (Judg. 2:16).
Israel refused to listen to the very ones God had sent to rescue them. They spurned God’s good gift. Whom has God put in your life to speak truth to you? The obvious answers include pastors, mentors, and teachers. Sometimes, though, God speaks to us in a worship song, a morning devotional, a stranger, or even a child. God is still raising up people in our lives, but will we listen?
What might God be telling you through the people He has raised up and put in your life?