Daily Study Mat 28:16-20

Georges   -  

Take a step back and consider the narrative Matthew covers in the final chapter of his Gospel. In just twenty verses, with five of those detailing the leaders’ bribing of the soldiers to lie, we read of the women going to the tomb and then leaving to tell others (vv. 1-10), of the eleven disciples traveling to Galilee where they saw and worshiped Jesus (vv. 16-17), and then of Jesus commissioning them and sending them out to make disciples of all the nations (vv. 18-20). What we read is almost non-stop movement, starting at the empty tomb, the epicenter of the gospel, and moving out toward the ends of the earth. This is the purpose and the power of the resurrection; it compels action. We cannot experience the glorious resurrection of Christ and stand still. We must act; it is what our overjoyed hearts yearn to do, and it is what our Lord has called us to do.

What are some actions you can take this week to carry the gospel farther than you have before?