Daily Study Mat 28:7,8

Georges   -  

Twice in these two verses we read the word “quickly.” The angel instructed the women to go quickly and then they departed quickly. The divine messenger had given the women good news—great news—to share, and their only proper response was to do as the angel instructed: to go in haste to tell others. What about us? How quick are we to tell others of the good news we have received? Does the gospel continue to quicken the beating of our hearts as we consider how glorious God is for His forgiveness of us through Christ? And does that quickening of our hearts then quicken our feet?

Let us never forget how beautiful the gospel is to us, and may we always be eager to share it with others. And at the same time, let us always remember that this is a message others around us are in desperate need of hearing. Let our love for God and our gratitude and joy for what He has done for us, as well as our love for those who have not trusted in Christ, move us to act quickly in service to our King.


With whom can you share the gospel this week?