Joshua 4:17-24 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 1, Day 5

Georges   -  

We would be wise to understand this passage in light of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. In that passage, known as the Shema, God commanded one generation to teach the law to the next. But here we see that it wasn’t to stop there. Each generation was also to share what God had done for them. This coupling, the words and works of God together, provides a fuller picture of who God is and helps future generations see His beauty and splendor.

While the primary context of these two passages focuses on parents, it is broader than that. All of us are called by God to disciple others, and this is to be our blueprint of discipleship. We are to teach others God’s Word, but we are also to testify to how God has been kind to us. We are to talk about His provision, His protection, and His power. We are to celebrate who He is and what He has done.


What are some of the “stones of remembrance” that you can share with others to point them to who God is and what He has done?