Joshua 6:1-14 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 2, Day 3
Grammar is not a favorite subject for many people, but it sure helps to pay attention to it as we study the Bible. Notice the verb tense the Lord used in verse 2: “I have given.” God used the past tense to speak of the future event of delivering Jericho, the king, and the soldiers into his hand. We know that God did not make a grammar mistake here; there is a reason why He used the past tense in this way here. He was affirming His sovereign authority over the situation.
He was speaking of the future victory He would give Joshua and the Israelites in the past tense because He had already willed it to happen and nothing can stop Him from bringing to pass what He wills. We see something similar in Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17. In verse 4, Jesus said to the Father, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.” Jesus used the past tense to speak of a future event, in this case, the cross. Just as Jericho’s fall was sure in Joshua 6, so was Jesus’ exaltation on the cross in John 17.
What sure promises of God do you need to rest in today?