Joshua 2:8-24 Daily Study Session 8, Unit 2, Day 2 Word had traveled fast about what God had done for the Israelites. Rahab and the rest of the people of Jericho had heard about God drying...
Joshua 2:1-7 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 2, Day 1 The Israelites were at the cusp of the promised land once more. Forty years before, twelve spies, including Joshua, had gone into the land....
Joshua 4:17-24 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 1, Day 5 We would be wise to understand this passage in light of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. In that passage, known as the Shema, God commanded one...
Joshua 4:1-16 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 1, Day 4 When you first read Joshua 4:14, you might reflexively read it a second time: God exalted Joshua? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?...
Joshua 3:1-17 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 1, Day 3 God was about to do a mighty work before His people. They were about to see the swollen banks of the Jordan River become dry. They were...
Joshua 1:10-18 Daily Study Unit 8, Session 1, Day 2 We love rest, although most of us don’t get nearly enough of it. Instead, we tend to wear ourselves out, always going and always adding...
Joshua 1:1-9 Daily Study Unit 8, Session One, Day One Moses had led the children of Israel for four decades. He was one constant for a people who had wondered in the wilderness as an entire...